Modular UPS 10 kW to 3.6 MW

The higher the Availability, the lower the downtime. By eliminating any single point of failure, adding active-redundant technology, preventing human error and reducing the time to maintain and repair, Cumuluspower™ delivers an industry leading Availability of 9 nines to fulfill the needs of the most critical power applications. CumuluspowerTM takes downtime from seconds, to the milliseconds level. Availability is formally defined as the MTBF/(MTBF+MTTR). Cumuluspower™ maximizes the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) while minimizes the Mean Time To Repair with a series of features.
Multi frame connection is one of the advantages of horizontal scalability. Communication between frames and modules is critical, nevertheless for some architectures it is still a single point of failure. Cumuluspower parallel communication is provided with a unique triple-mode parallel bus, that consists of three independent communication lines and three independent electronic circuits. Disconnection or short-circuit on any of the lines does not represent a risk for the system thus eliminating the single point of failure.
Some UPS architectures still use centralized critical components like a Single Bypass Architecture (SBA). Centralized components in a parallel system represent single points of failure. Unlike the centralized architectures, Centiel’s modular UPS, CumulusPower, is equipped with a Distributed Bypass Architecture (DBA), that brings full redundancy even in the bypass line, avoiding any system’ single point of failure.
Parallel system availability increases with the reduction of the Mean Time To Repair (MTTR). In-frame per-module bypass fuses minimize the time it takes to re-establish a system in an event of output short-circuit.
CumulusPowerTM battery tests are programmable and safe. Smart Battery Booster architecture, allows the UPS to perform battery monitoring, tests and health status diagnosis without the need for mains disconnection.
Cumuluspower modules can be swapped without the need to switch over the load to bypass. Besides that, a per-module parallel isolator fiscally isolates the module from the system minimizing human error and increasing Availability.